Joyous Wealth — 56 Secrets to Riches and Wellness

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Joyous Wealth – 56 Secrets to Riches and Wellness

If you or your loved one is ready to quantum leap your life and your business, read this book! 

Joyous Wealth is a rare combination of many secrets compiled together which encompasses concepts of wealth, mindset, empowerment, joy, Universal Principals and living abundantly.

The transformational journeys of the characters transport you to reflect on your own life and dreams. Joyous Wealth provides you practical tools and techniques for your desired outcome.

“I decided to write this book to share my knowledge and the wisdom I have acquired over the years with YOU! I created five compelling fictional characters based on my years of experience meeting and advising clients with diverse needs, backgrounds and status based on their age and where they were in their cycle of life. These characters all came together in order to share their lives, their stories, their knowledge, their wisdom, and their love. They felt they can make a difference based on their own experiences in life and share the secrets embedded in the content throughout this book, inspiring you to abundance.” Says Armineh the award winning Author of Joyous Wealth.   

About Armineh

“WOOOOOOOWWWWWW!” “a massive WOW! It’s amazing it genuinely is”                                                                                                                                                                                                                 N.  Kumar

“Your approach is quite ‘cinematic’ -not a typical ‘how to’ theme but centres more on your philosophy for inner and outer work and life balances… well done and poignant”                                                                                                                                                                                                              N. Stirling

“I really enjoyed it! It resulted in some key takeaways and actions towards a more joyous and wealthier life, so thanks for being so inspirational and sharing your wisdom!                                                                                                                                                                                L. Sill

“Subtle but powerful (like water that wears down stone), Touching, Full / brimming”

                                                                                              L. Carter

Joyous Wealth – 56 Secrets to Riches and Wellness  is a must have collectible book; says the publisher.

The information is timeless and often refers to ancient wisdom with a modern twist on it.

Joyous Wealth reveals the secrets to creating your desired life with practical tools that encourages you to step into your greatness. The teachings are subtle with pragmatic application while told in a powerful story. It will propel you to your next level of success!

Joyous Wealth book has an accompanying Workbook so you can go through the exercises to create your desired life! When you order the book through Amazon, send us proof of purchase and we will send you; the workbook and the Wealth Consciousness Quiz.

Both paper and digital copy Available on Amazon

About Armineh

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